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Rate your cafeteria dishes and never eat a bad meal again!


Image 1
Beautiful Overview
Rating System
Home Screen Quick Short Cuts
Great animations and fluid performance

Our Team

Fritz Schubert

Fritz Schubert started the project and is handling the development of the entire mobile platform and head of the project.

LinkedIn / Portfolio
Ole Einar Christoph

Ole Einar Christoph is a Fullstack Developer and handles the backend for the mobile App. For that, he engineered an API for GET and POST requests.

Eric Jarka

Eric Jarka is head of marketing and advertisment. He designs the logos for the app.


Project Idea

Our small project aimed to present the dishes from different cafeterias in a better way. The Studentenwerks's original website is too complex and equiped with false information. So Fritz Schubert decided to come up with a better solution. Together with Ole they developed a mobile app.

Project Idea

Just looking nice

With our platform, users can easily browse through a wide selection of meals from cafeterias located all over Leipzig, view detailed product information and compare prices.

Everyone loves stars

Think about what u eat...

A key feature of the App is the rating option with which you can rate the dishes you just ate. It just gives a community feeling to the whole atmosphere. Just imagine sitting at the cafeteria table with your friends and discussing which rating you should give the meal infront of you. The App is trying to make the consumer/ user think more about consumption in general.

Our Secrets...

The app reads a json file from Ole's API and then translates all the data into object oriented structure. If the user rates a meal, the data gets send back to Ole where he can then update his database and also the API's data. For more info please feel free to contact Ole.

The application was developed as a whole using the crossplatfrom framework Flutter. Flutter uses the programming language dart which brings a high learning curve. You have one codebase which you have to manage, after that, Flutter just takes the lead and compiles your dart code into Swift, Java, Kotlin, .Net and Javascript and CSS, so you don't have to take care of that.

The code of the whole application is published on Fritz's GitHub Repository called Mensa-App. If you want to contribute to the project dont't hesitate to open up any issues or reach out to Fritz. His contact data is listed on his website. Before installing please read the README file carefully so u don't make any mistakes.

Link to GitHub Repo


Here is the roadmap and our plans for the future of our software project:



On january Fritz had the idea to develop such an app and talked to Ole. Fritz quickly begun coding the foundation. He didn't have any knowledge about Flutter yet.

7th January

First APK

After some days Fritz built the first apk and tested it. Worked perfectly fine due to strong and great cooperation with Ole.

10th January

Alpha and Beta release

Shortly after, the first alpha and beta version was released.

16th January

Complete Redesign

Fritz wasn't really happy with the design so he got some advices from Florian Schmidt.

8th February

All cafeterias accessible

Together with Ole, Fritz reprogrammed the entire application and included every cafeteria from Leipzig.

11th February

Google Play Store Release

At the end of February MensiMates was released into the Google Play Store and will now receive longtime support by the Developer Fritz Schubert.

23rd February

Coming up

Complete Redesign

When Fritz got the image rights to some cafeterias he will be able to redesign the mobile app as a whole.


App-Store Release

Some time in 2023, Fritz will release the App on the IOS App Store after the promised redesign.